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wewnątrz strony internetowej Kreatora Wizerunku. Zamieszczamy tam bezpłatnie artykuły
zawierające merytoryczne treści, umożliwiające zwiększenie świadomości konsumenckiej
odbiorców naszych usług. Głównymi poruszanymi tematami jest marketing internetowy,
branding czy promocja w sieci. Sprawdź już dziś!
How to create a ideal customer profile who will have a real impact on the conversion of marketing activities?
All business development activities are based on effective and efficient reaching out to the customer and satisfying his needs. All marketing issues aim at exactly the same end result, changing tools, methodology or means. The basis of the company's success is a thorough understanding of customers and their needs, motivation or specification of activities. You will be helped by ideal customer profiles, i.e. the staff of the ideal cust...
Planning of marketing strategy. Does it make sense?
A clear and concrete marketing strategy placed in time, should be possessed by every company, which is focused on continuous growth and further development. It should summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the company, define communication with the recipients, define the objectives of marketing and sales activities and characterize the target group and person of the ideal customer. The rule of marketing says that a good marketing strat...
Personal branding - so how to build your own personal brand!
What is a personal brand?
A brand. This term used to be associated only with trademarks. In today's world of everyday digitization and significant growth of social media, each of us has our own personal brand.
There are many definitions of personal branding. A brand is definitely more than just an image and marketing activity. A brand is all of you. We are our own brands - whether we build them consciously or not. A ...